“What is my purpose on this earth?” the Nobel Peace Laureate asked himself, imploring us to ask ourselves too. (Things went real quiet) “Money’s become habit, an obsession, addiction, both means and end,” continued Professor Yunus, Bangladeshi pioneer of micro-finance lending to the poor. (Heard a pin drop) Decades ago Yunus lent $27 to 42 people. Changed their lives. His too. “I spoke with banks, learned what they d
Pressed my face to cold glass. At 30,000 feet. Looking up. Yeah, the sky is falling. So say little chickens. Of course, they’re wrong. Europe’s simply embarking on another bitter fight. With itself. As it’s always done. And how can it be otherwise? Europeans hate one other. Always have. Always will. Don’t believe me? Read a book. Which book? Any book. But in the past, there was nothing to fight over, except for commo
Hope all goes well. London was great. Thanks for asking. Brought Mara with me. Brought the weather too. Sunny and hot. Which was quite a bit different from April – their wettest month on record. And before that, March, was London’s 3rd driest ever (1st driest? March 1929). Anyhow, everyone seemed pretty relaxed about the wild swings. Ya know, rain-on, rain-off. Makes you wonder if traders would be surprised by a tren
Hope all goes well. How’s your weekend amigo? Cool. Mine’s good too. Usual stuff. Family. Writing. Reading. Few vodka tonics. Saturday red-eye to London. I kinda feel bad for those policy-makers across the globe. No rest for the weary. Yeah, poor fellas up all night these days. G8. May 23rd EU Summit (18th since crisis erupted). Emergency calls. You see, the crisis is transitioning. To the street. Politicians are los
The little creature emerged. A miracle. Adorable. And as the bitch’s motherly instincts kicked in, so did Mara’s. Yeah, without knowing why, Missy nudged her newborn pup. Licked it clean. Sparking a breath. For Mara it was love at first sight. Primal. And me? Well, I froze. Stuck in a Mars/Venus moment. You see, there was no point in putting up a fight. And it’s a little late to take flight. So here I sit, with 1 wif
“Flawed, complex, poorly conceived, poorly vetted, and poorly executed,” admitted JP Morgan’s CEO. And his investors promptly puked (JPM -18% since May 10). Now, it’s not that they’re worried he’ll fail; Jamie’s far too big for that. Nope, he’s just too complex to succeed. And, as everyone knows, it’s too costly to shrink. FBI arrived, to shake him down, and uncover Dimon’s crime. Let me help; he’s Human. Overly ambi
Hope all goes well. I got the bug. Pretty bad. But hey, you do too. Wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t. Gamble, that is. Of course, we ain’t alone. Men been weighing risk/reward, calculating probabilities and placing bets, from the day some bold gambler stuck a Wooly Mammoth (betcha $1mm he got laid that night). Anyhow, as I crawled up rocks this wk, looking left, right, up – and down – evaluating footing, hand-hold
I got the bug. Pretty bad. But hey, you do too. Wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t. Gamble, that is. Of course, we ain’t alone. Men been weighing risk/reward, calculating probabilities and placing bets, from the day some bold gambler stuck a Wooly Mammoth (betcha $1mm he got laid that night). Anyhow, as I crawled up rocks this wk, looking left, right, up – and down – evaluating footing, hand-holds too, Greeks did th
Hope all goes well. Brought Wolf and Keeve. Golden Retrievers. There’s no better breed. Oh, you disagree? Well, you’re wrong. Strong, gentle, kind, they’d follow you through Hell, tails waggin. Oh, you want smart too? Well, go find yourself a f’in PhD. Anyhow, we scaled Dragon’s Back. Leaping boulder to boulder. Eyed my initials, Mara’s too, carved deep into stone. From an earlier climb. Oh, don’t approve? Well, men
Brought Wolf and Keeve. Golden Retrievers. There’s no better breed. Oh, you disagree? Well, you’re wrong. Strong, gentle, kind, they’d follow you through Hell, tails waggin. Oh, you want smart too? Well, go find yourself a f’in PhD. Anyhow, we scaled Dragon’s Back. Leaping boulder to boulder. Eyed my initials, Mara’s too, carved deep into stone. From an earlier climb. Oh, don’t approve? Well, men been doing that fore