They’d had it. The corruption, hypocrisy, intimidation, oppression. So 56 prominent, brave men, with everything to lose, signed our Declaration. Naturally, ever since, Americans have had a soft spot for revolutions. Started quite a few. We know civil war too. Ain’t afraid to pick sides. Of course both are ugly, tragic. But inevitable, natural. Man’s nature. And they’re bubbling up everywhere.
“I’ve been up large, twice this year,” admitted one of Europe’s biggest portfolio managers. “But I’m back to flat now, cut my risk to nearly nothing, probably done for Summer.” Which didn’t surprise me. In our two decades of obsessing together, we’ve shared a similar education, evolution. Learning that with few exceptions, the fittest survive by trading with trend
Hope all goes well. Summertime in Santa Barbara. Not a cloud in the sky. Creeks run dry. And we’re not alone. Midwestern farmers are baking. Crops withering. And even on Wall Street they’re doing the rain dance, an awkward white-guy shuffle. Praying for liquidity. You see, there’s very little now. And in all this heat, illusions arise, mirages, whipping markets around wildly. Overall: Barry bit his
Took a long walk, to shake a long flight, Seoul to NY is a bitch. Strolled through the World Financial Center, where a crazy mensch, gave me a shot, back in 1991. High above, floated two ghosts – Twin Towers. On which, I held my little brother, upon my shoulders, whispering the truth, “Pete, you’re on top of the world.” That was 1993. In the distance, stood our Lady. Liberty. I spun, headed uptown. Meat Packing
Barry bit his nails, dying for a smoke. And paced. Waiting for the verdict on his legacy; Obamacare. You see, folks remember just one thing about their leaders; Jimmy wore a sweater, Ronny ruined the Russians, Daddy accomplished a mission, Slick Willy stained a blue dress, and Baby declared mission accomplished. But of course, Barry wasn’t the only leader pacing. Assad, fearing for his unusually long neck, decl