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Met many very wealthy people this week. Smart, nice, relaxed, successful. Asked many of the foreigners why they’d moved to Switzerland. Taxes came up last. Their children are safe and don’t need body guards in Switz, they have no commute, 10 minute drive to the countryside, life is good and the people in Switzerland are happy. Some had considered NY or London but chose Switzerland. Taxes help too. Damn sh
My friend at one of the biggest real estate families in the US (they have a substantial global footprint) had this perspective to share. The US commercial real estate market has lots of financing issues to work out and it will take a long time still. However, in NYC for instance the cost to buy a building is well below the cost of replacement. If you buy a building in NY for $1000/sqft, you’re buying something
My brother’s an M&A banker in NY and keeps me in touch with US deal flow. $400bln in committed capital has sat idle for the past 18mths in Private Equity funds paying fees (did you realize there was so much idle cash?). Remember that this gets leveraged. And financing is loosening up with the banks. The PE managers are feeling pressured to put money to work (performance anxiety). Deals are getting done at a