Whitewash raced up the sand. Crashed against our shins. With each wave, the ebb, the flow, we sank deeper. Wiggling our toes. Burrowing. Squinting as we watched our oldest sons battle thundering 6ft Santa Barbara surf. “Don’t see Europe pulling out of this,” said my buddy. I’d asked what trends he saw unfolding. He leads a vast global corporation. And as sales roll in from every nation, he watches tides rise, fall, g
Dear Santa, I got a short list. As usual. So here goes. I’d like an autographed photo of Putin, topless, fly-fishing. Not quite sure why. While you’re swinging through Russia, snap a pic of Khodorkovsky’s dog-eared library. Vladimir let him go. Always wondered what Mikhail read during his lost decade. Pick up a Pussy Riot concert tee too. Oh yeah, I’d love a Kingfisher with Hazare. He ended his hunger strike after In
Hope all goes well… “Can I tell you a secret?” asked the legendary trader, after three too many. So I reminded him I’m no priest. And while my memory blurs under the influence, when it comes to quality quotes, I got better recollection than Rain Man. He nodded, shrouded in the secrecy of my policy of anonymity. “You wanna know the key to this whole game?” he continued, lowering his voice, leaning in closer. “This gam
Some pudgy Korean kid killed his uncle. Volcker’s 953-page rule killed Wall Street’s remaining three or four prop traders. Europeans finally agreed how to kill dying banks. Bangladeshi’s killed an Islamist opposition leader for killing Bangladeshi’s. America’s government sold the last of its General Motors shares, killing discredited critics. And ascendant General Motors killed off its Dutch-disease riddled Australia
“I know how good I am,” said the Greenwich Bulldog, rebuilding his book, lifting his leg, marking territory, as others downsize into year-end. “I’m good at my craft, I apply hard work and discipline to what I do,” he continued. “Not good at much else, but I’m good at this.” And I didn’t interrupt the tenacious beast, to remind him he’s a great father. A great friend too. Generous. Loyal. “Which means I’m under no ill
Hope all goes well… “You become a junkie, you want action,” said the mkt’s top equity options trader, describing what makes men’s blood race. Equity markets keep finding casual users, nervously buying street-corner dimes, quarters. But they’re not yet robbing old ladies, rolling liquor stores, buying bricks. Yeah, there’s no sign it’s near its end. “But I’ll know it when I see it,” he continued, “Cause the S&P do
“The US will end too-big-to-fail,” announced Jack Lew, Treasury Secretary for earth’s biggest economy. You see, America’s 5 biggest banks got 37% bigger since 2008. They make 42% of all loans. The biggest six hold 67% of the $14.4trln banking system’s assets. One big bank holds just $113bln of assets against $43,000bln in outstanding derivatives. Anyhow, earth’s 2nd biggest economy lifted the IPO ban in place since O
“Guess how many kids bought me a latte?” asked the leader of America’s greatest iconic brand. And I shook my head, knowing the answer was zero. You see, we were talking about young talent. And he told the story about speaking to a room of 800 college students. Who had come to hear him discuss branding, business-building. Leadership. Plus my buddy has a touch of rock-star; lighting up rooms, drawing crowds, talking TE
Week-in-Review: Mon: Iran nuclear accord, Japan rejects China Sea defense-zone, S&P “1/3 chance of Japan downgrade within 2yrs,” US pending home sales contract 5th mth, S&P -0.1%; Tue: US B52’s cross China defense-zone, BOJ minutes “downside risks to outlook,” Italian consumer confidence improves, Spain budget deficit widens (mortgage approvals/lending contract yoy), Carney “UK picking up sharply,” US home pe
Hope all goes well… Lots to be thankful for this year. A feast filled with young families, old friends. A buzzing business, a tenacious team. A world of opportunities, endless mysteries. And while I desperately wish I had more time, I’m thankful that there never seems to be enough. Hope you feel the same. Dusted off an anecdote from Summer 2012 (see below). See you next Sunday with full weekend notes. Week-in-Review: