Hope all goes well. Packed our Suburban assault vehicle with the troops. Headed north. For a Lax tournament. That’s how we roll; Team Peters. Turned off all electronics, and surveyed the landscape, for wild animals. We first spotted cows. Then horses. A coyote appeared. Osama bin Charlie caught a giraffe in his sights. But it darted for cover. “Well, they’re real fast guys.” And from there, the magic of imagination o
Ben sat in stall six. Biting his nails. Waiting his turn. You see, he was last in line. Of course Snowden went first. Walked out, bedhead, scruffy. Seated between two lovely angels, from Amnesty International, fallen to earth to fight for the persecuted. Anyhow, they soothed poor, brave Edward, his life in ruins. Ruined. Puzzled to discover that not enough Americans care for his cause. So the angels promised him iron
Turned a corner, early evening. A sharp switchback, around a towering rock. And encountered a fox. He leapt, gracefully, spinning his body, to point it away. His head turned back, our eyes locked. And with this hedge thus perfectly placed, he held position. Relaxed. Curious. Watching. So I did too. It’s summer time in Santa Barbara. Which means it’s dry. Just over the mountains, this season is deadly hot. So savvy pr
Pass me another Bud bro, can’t pull myself away, can you believe this show? Of course, it’s heart-warming to have Egyptians celebrate our glorious revolution with one of their own. Fireworks lighting the air. Crowds filling Tahir. But lost in the wide-angle lenses were nuances. Like images of 91 starry-eyed revolutionary sisters, dragged into darkness, surrounding the square, ganged raped by hundreds of their Egyptia
“So what’d you tell ’em?” I asked. And he laughed. You see he’s one of my references, my second boss – Lehman London ’92. But he’s a great friend now, a guy I call for business advice, family too. Which I never asked for back then. “At the end they asked, ‘Is there anything we didn’t ask but should’ve?’” he replied. So he proceeded to tell them his golden rules, learned over decades of building businesses, inve
Hope all goes well. Cracked cold Buds with Mara’s brother. He built his first big firm, and is onto #2. In Silicon Valley. He’s in good company. Google ($296bln mkt cap vs Egypt GDP $258bln), Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Sidecar, AirBnB, Uber, LinkedIn, Box, SnapChat, DropBox, Pinterest, GetMyBoat, Square, Tumblr, Lyft, SideCar, Evernote. We applauded Commander Thiel’s big-data advance: Palantir. And General Musk’s auto
“It’s a wake up call,” he said, calm, relaxed, alert. “A fire drill,” continued the market’s top volatility trader. You see, all this tapering talk from the Fed was a trial alarm. To test the market’s state of awareness. And as it turns out, the world was sound asleep. Even Goldman’s Hatzius was surprised, and of course, no one knows the Fed better than Jan. “Everyone was on the wrong side of this move, there was too
Hope all goes well. My brother Craig called, to announce a miracle. You see, he’d waited his whole life. To create another. And marveled at the little boy in his palms. The infinite possibility. Of course, we’re both old enough now to know we can’t predict the future. We just pray that no matter what it holds, our little ones can live their lives to the fullest. With liberty. Dignity. For themselves. For others. And
“Big money organizes itself somewhat like feral hogs,” announced my favorite Federal Reserve President, from Dallas. “If they detect a weakness or a bad scent, they’ll go after it,” continued Richard Fisher. “I don’t want to go from Wild Turkey to cold turkey overnight,” he drawled, sending us boars off the scent laid by the Princeton Professor’s sterile taper-talk. But Fisher was just revvin’ up his redneck rhetoric
Hope all goes well. “If gold was your hedge, well, you just got bent over,” said Yoda, standing upright, high in the Rockies. “There’s usually one time per year when everything goes wrong at once.” The S&P 500 topped at 1669 on May 21, and is now down 4.6%, while gold is -7.1% and 10yr yields are +57bps. “This is what happens after a Fed Chairman signals that you can buy any asset in the world without taking risk