Hope all goes well. Poor Mitt got it right, 47% are gonna vote for O no matter what. Of course, 47% vote Republican come hell or high water. And the rest of us vote for the cat we’d rather down tequila-slammers with. Which ain’t a bad reason. ’Cause face it, there’s no difference. They take equal turns at the trough. Democrats been President for 88 of the past 176yrs. After this wk, they’ll get another 4yrs. Then los
“Daddy gave me an amazing day,” announced Olivia, beaming, sparkling. As we walked through the front door, returning from our adventure. Mara snuck me a wink, and gave her a big hug. You see, our children celebrate their birthdays by choosing an adventure. Olivia chose to climb Dragon’s Back – a steep ascent, along a remote, jagged ridge, high above Santa Barbara. The eagerly awaited day had at last arrived, an
Hope all goes well. Strolled through the Four Seasons. To their four-sided bar. Expecting a riotous frat party. You see, Bernanke had just announced open-ended QE. Stocks surged to new highs. CNBC was going wild. And no place loves a bull market like NY. I ordered a VT. The joint was empty. Yeah, it’s been that kind of rally. No one’s celebrating. Most everyone’s been short. Covering into the Fed meeting. Cutting and
“When I gained citizenship in the early eighties, I made an oath to do my army, pay my taxes, be a good citizen…that was the rule,” stated one of Switzerland’s top institutional investors. “Today, people want their rights, without bearing the obligation, it is a huge hypocrisy,” he continued. “Switzerland was always a land of opportunity, like America, everything was possible, people came with money, brought value, b
“So Arafat asked me what I’d do,” said Bill, to a captivated room of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian capitalists, at this week’s C3 US/Arab summit. “And I told him, ‘Yasser, I’d find the most beautiful 9yr old girl in all the West Bank, dress her in the prettiest Palestinian dress I could afford, give her a big ole bouquet of flowers, take off my pistol, stand beside her, and have that little girl welcome Sharon when h
Hope all goes well. Summer’s over. Back to school. What a busy term this oughta be. I’m kicking it off tomorrow with a trip to NY. Yeah, the Big Apple is as good a teacher as you’ll ever hope to find. Then London. Scotland. Switzerland. Canada. Chicago. No recess. Theme: Shhh… Quiet… Listen… “Bleep…Bleep…Bleep.” Oh, that’s it: Voyager 1 — miracle of Mankind’s imagination, launched Sept 5, 1977. It’s final
“I’m keeping it simple these days,” he said, “cause I’m not that smart.” Now, false modesty should be annoying coming from a trader who’s profited so consistently, over so many years – but I cut this guy infinite slack. Not just because he’s been a great trading mentor. But ’cause he believes it. And fears the day he stops humbling himself, he’ll get steamrolled. “So many smart guys explain why stocks will go d
Shhh… Quiet… Listen… “Bleep…Bleep…Bleep.” Oh, that’s it: Voyager 1 — miracle of Mankind’s imagination, launched Sept 5, 1977. It’s finally crossing the outer limit of our tiny solar system, 11bln miles from the Sun. Voyager sends back only basic measurements, after all, NASA blessed it with just 68kb of memory. Today’s iPod Nano has 100,000 times more. Yeah, we’ve come far in 35yrs. Just look around. Corn
Hope all goes well. Screw him. Seriously. I was feeling quite pleased with myself, until Harry went wild on the strip, making my vacation seem, well, rather boring, common. Of course, it’s not his fault. Really. That’s what Princes do. Have always done. Will always do. Oh, just imagine Henry VIII in Vegas… Anyhow, I’m back in my seat. At the tables. Doing what I do. And truth be told, I got a great f’in life. Wild in
Pussy Riot! Pussy Riot! Pussy Riot! Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. It’s way too fun to say that, knowing it won’t clog your spam folder. Plus, I got mild tourette’s. Anyhow, in my absence, Putin locked up my favorite punk band. Apparently Vladimir’s gone soft, ’cause a hardened dictator woulda tucked the trio into bed, not the gulag. But hey, that’s the trend. Things ain’t as hard as we thought. Yeah, look at US Q2 GDP