See you Sept 2nd with full wknd notes. Week-in-Review: Mon: Japan GDP slips, Mex IP stable, VIX 5yr low, new lawsuit filed against ESM in German court, S&P -0.1%; Tue: Sweden IP 5m high, Germ ZEW 8m low, EU GDP continues drift lower, EU IP stable, UK CPI 2.6%, US NFIB 9m low, retail sales solid, S&P unch; Wed: Turkey unemp new lows – 8.2%, Greece seeks 2yr austerity extension, BoE mins tad hawkish, UK emp sol
Week-in-Review: Mon: Curiosity on Mars, S&P + 0.3%; Tue: RBA unch’d (exp), Hungary IP, Italy IP and German Factory orders (-) surprise, Canada PMI and UK IP (+) surprise, S&P 0.5%; Wed: German IP, India IP, China IP and Japan machine orders disappoint, Aussie jobs stronger (14k vs 10k exp), Greece outlook neg (S&P), NZ’s Key says scope to lower rates, US Q2 Unit Labor Costs +1.7%, S&P fl
See you again with full wknd notes on Sept 2nd. Week-in-Review: Mon: Curiosity on Mars, S&P + 0.3%; Tue: RBA unch’d (exp), Hungary IP, Italy IP and German Factory orders (-) surprise, Canada PMI and UK IP (+) surprise, S&P 0.5%; Wed: German IP, India IP, China IP and Japan machine orders disappoint, Aussie jobs stronger (14k vs 10k exp), Greece outlook neg (S&P), NZ’s Key says scope to lower
Week-in-Review: Mon: Japan IP 6m low, Sweden GDP solid, Spain CPI 7m high (2Q GDP -0.4%), EU cons conf 35m low, Brazil infl pops, S&P -0.1%; Tue: S.Korea IP soft, Japan PMI 15m low, Taiwan 2Q GDP negative, Italy unemp 10.8%, Germ unemp stable, EU unemp 11.2%, US savings rate bounces, US C/S home-price fall slowing, Chicago PMI 53.7, cons conf solid, S&P -0.4%; Wed: Aussie PMI 37m lows, China HSBC PMI 49.3, S
See you Sept 2nd with full wknd notes. Week-in-Review: Mon: Japan IP 6m low, Sweden GDP solid, Spain CPI 7m high (2Q GDP -0.4%), EU cons conf 35m low, Brazil infl pops, S&P -0.1%; Tue: S.Korea IP soft, Japan PMI 15m low, Taiwan 2Q GDP negative, Italy unemp 10.8%, Germ unemp stable, EU unemp 11.2%, US savings rate bounces, US C/S home-price fall slowing, Chicago PMI 53.7, cons conf solid, S&P -0.4%; Wed: Auss
“No,” she answered. Which surprised me. You see, I’d asked if she’s having fun. It’s a question I ask people when they’re killing it. And she is. Sara’s billed 6th on a summer blockbuster. New roles are rolling in – yeah, performance-chasing premiered in Hollywood. She’s writing a book, coaching rising stars too. Who worship her like a Scientology high priest. Of
Syria’s joker is cornered, planning an escape, his thumb pressing a button. Yeah, Assad hid gas canisters all over the joint. If we pop him, well, he releases the button, simultaneously opening countless vaults. Thugs rush in, stealing weaponry, to sell in sandy black markets. Inciting fear, chaos, in distant Gotham. Of course, Assad’s no dummy. That strategy usually works. Just look how far it’s gotten Greece, Spain
Hope all goes well. Mara despises cowardly villains. So within hours of the massacre, she whisked me off, to The Dark Night Rises. Brilliant flick. Fusing the obscene, the real, into something surreal. Which perfectly captures our time. Just look at our tabloids, we now got our very own Joker, orange hair, a wild-eyed grimace. Politics/economics are equally surreal. So where’s Batman? Don’t be fooled, Bernanke simply
“I emptied my mind,” she explained, looking through me, returning to that mental place, in the moment before her race began. I bit my lip, to keep from smiling, even laughing. You see, she’s just 8yrs old, and tiny for her age, seriously, like the 1th percentile. Yet Olivia’s coach has her swim against 11yr olds. I don’t protest. Not my style. Plus, I’m pretty certain her coach qui
Hope all goes well. Dallas was hot. Conference was cool. Yeah, UBS puts on a good show. You know, figured I’d find a steer or two in Texas. You see, those boys been making serious frackin’ money. And if there’s one breed unafraid to take risk, leverage up gains, put it all on the line, well, it’s the Texan wildcat. But alas, their pastures are barren. Parched. And my take is it’ll take one helluva big bear, or the ar