Hope all goes well. Woke at 4am. Snuck out. With Mara. Two tiny creatures. Lying on a little planet. Hurling silently through the infinite. Watching our moon. Slip into Earth’s shadow. In awe. And there it was again. Glowing. That f’in color. Red. Just seems to be everywhere these days. Mercifully, it’s the last full lunar eclipse for 3yrs. We’re back in black. Bringing Mara to NYC this wk. Work and play. Overall: Se
See the video? Unreal. American stealth drone. Looked like a UFO. Musta got lost. And found. In Iran. Yeah, some Persian dude landed it. Seriously. How? Code bro: One and Zero. It’s the future ya know. Only way to go. ’Cause let’s face it, no matter how much dizzy yellow‐cake we stack on rockets, no one’s ever launching one. Nope. These days it’s hack, crack, attack. And like all of man’s great weapons, before long,
5‐4‐3‐2‐1. Ignition. Blast off. Yeah, NASA launched a rocket. Bound for Mars. Carrying a rover. Named Curiosity. Aren’t we just. From that very first bite of the apple. Curious. And while our scientists voyage afar, to explore the cosmos, and the quantum, we’re left to our shrinking Newtonian planet. Dropping things on each other. Lifting too. Pushing weight around. Desperate to stay one step ahead in Sir Isaac’s fav
Hope all goes well. How’d my trip go? Great. Thanks. Weather report? Switzerland: Sunny & warm outside, dark & cold inside. Why? Inflation, deflation, ice ages, dark ages, they’re scared. Sweden: Dark & cold outside, sunny & warm inside. Why? They weathered their ’92 collapse, got leaner, now run surpluses, dodged the Euro too. But they’re cautious, knowing well the road ahead for Europe. Overall: 5‐4
The affair lasted for years. And I wasn’t her only lover. She has so many. Mostly youngsters. But the gravity of middle age drew me back to center. Broke her spell. Perhaps I’d encountered too much social injustice, lost faith in extreme ideologies, or simply realized there are no heroes like John Galt, and Dagny Taggart. Anyhow, when I land in Zurich, Ayn returns. To tantalize, tempt, and taunt me. You see, Switzerl
Hope all goes well. What a mess. Traders step away from their screens for just a couple days and look what happens. Worst Thanksgiving wk for the S&P since 1932. It’s been three yrs in a row where this wk’s seen more than just a few gobblers slaughtered. So much for Black Friday. Week‐in‐Review: Mon: Mkts assume Supercommittee failure, Japan trd bal falls, Sing 3Q GDP solid, S&P ‐1.9%; Tue: US 3Q GDP revised
Hope all goes well. What a mess. Traders step away from their screens for just a couple days and look what happens. Worst Thanksgiving wk for the S&P since 1932. It’s been three yrs in a row where this wk’s seen more than just a few gobblers slaughtered. So much for Black Friday. I’m off to Zurich for a UBS macro panel. Then Stockholm. I was last there in ’93, right after Sweden’s economic system collapsed, and t
Hope all goes well. A friend died. It was one of the few things he never warned me about ‐ but I hear he saw it coming. Richard Medley channeled information from central bankers, finance ministers, defense secretary’s, senators, (presidents too), to Macro’s most famous mangers. I’d never paid him a dime, we just had fun. Exchanging Sunday emails, competing to craft the sickest joke. Then last wk, outta nowhere, he se
She towers above our town. And I needed to blow it out. Tackle something big, gain altitude, perspective. So standing at sea level, I clipped in, headed for La Cumbre peak. The 3,995ft climb is brutal. Relentless. But the reward’s glorious, directly proportional to the struggle – natural law. The way to tackle a big climb is to cut it into pieces. Focus on taking lesser peaks. Set intermediate goals. And as the road
“Enough is Enough,” warned Earth’s mightiest commander‐in‐chief. You see, Obama’s frustrated by China’s reluctant revaluation of the Renminbi. He’s really had it. The time for talk is dwindling. November 2012 will do that to an incumbent. So he jetted to Australia, held hands with Prime Minister Gillard, pointed toward Beijing, vowed to “project power and deter threats to peace” in the region. He’s sending 2,500 mari