“We are trying to understand America, Americans,” said the soft-spoken Scandinavians, financial market pillagers. “America has been the world’s moral authority. And okay, so perhaps you have not always lived up to that. But you have tried. And it has been this way for our whole lives.” I nodded. “You have stood as the protector of global trade. Free trade. Democracy. And what is right versus wrong. America has defend
Hope all goes well… “You read my email?” I asked Jackson, Thanksgiving morning, the air around him electric. “Yeah, it was weird,” he said, smiling. I’d sent him an anecdote I wrote five years ago (see below), when he was eleven. It captured a conversation I’d hoped would weave its way into his fabric, and figured it was worth repeating as he mentally prepared for man-to-man coverage of Connecticut’s leading wide rec
Hope all goes well… “Marvel is a cornucopia of fantasy, a wild idea, a swashbuckling attitude, an escape from the humdrum and prosaic,” said Stan Lee, artistic genius, RIP. “It’s a serendipitous feast for the mind, the eye, and the imagination, a literate celebration of unbridled creativity, coupled with a touch of rebellion and an insolent desire to spit in the eye of the dragon,” continued the father of Spider Man,
“What the hell Charlie?” said Teddy, “Cover up your arms while we’re eating. Those sores are disgusting.” Charlie shrugged, too accustomed to sibling ridicule to be embarrassed. “That’s what happens when you itch mosquito bites,” said Olivia (15), an authority on basically everything. “And look at your fingernails Charlie, they’re filthy, no wonder you’re infected,” said Jackson (16), always game for gang tackles. “T
“Capital markets and combat are not turn-based games like chess,” said the Deputy CIO, top decile performer, Marine Force Recon veteran. “This means that there’s no such thing as waiting to make a decision, because waiting is a decision,” he continued. “Waiting can frequently be correct near-term, but you need to be intentional about how to use that time – to gather information, prioritizing the data that will
Hope all goes well… “Congratulations to President Trump for the seats taken in the Senate and confirmation in crucial states, against everything and everyone: lefty journalists, actors and singers, directors and pseudo-intellectuals. #godonaldgo,” tweeted Matteo Salvini, Italian Deputy Prime Minister, proximal leader of Europe’s anti-establishment upheaval. Overall: “You can always count on the Americans to do the ri
“Why do people feel that to be a good leader, they must absolutely believe in one direction over another, one path over another, one person over another?” asked the investor, an allocator. “Why do most people feel they have to live in a world of absolutes?” We were discussing the illusion of certainty. “We live in a world filled with questions. And the best traders I’ve known have never been sure of anything.” The bl
Hope all goes well… The latest odds of the Democrats taking the House are 86%. The odds of the Republicans holding the Senate are 83%. But so many races are within the statistical margin for polling error. And even if you knew the outcome, would you know the right trade? A Republican sweep is supposedly good for markets, a Blue Wave is bad. And yet, we’re at that stage in the cycle where strong growth looks to be bea
“There are two types of macro traders,” said the macro trader. “The first makes money when what’s supposed to happen actually happens,” he continued. “They tend to own emerging markets, the S&P 500. They buy high yield and anything that rolls down a curve.” These strategies are implicitly short volatility; usually a winning proposition. “The second type of macro trader looks for situations where policy makers hav
Hope all goes well… “Hey, where the hell’s my pipe bomb?” muttered Nancy Pelosi, irate, shaken. “And where’s mine?” cried Chuck Schumer. “What’s so special about Cory Booker and Kamala Harris?” whined Kirsten Gillibrand. Diane Feinstein grumbled the same. Michael Bloomberg hired a consultant to explore the matter. “Here’s a crayon. Go check Elizabeth Warren’s mailbox. You find anything heavy, readdress it to me,” bar