Hope all goes well… “You know the one thing I want you all to take away from this experience?” I asked the kiddies. No one said a word, I was grateful, who knows what they were thinking. The shock of our latest family crisis had started to subside. And we were pretty sure Oliver would be okay in the end, his leg more shattered than the transatlantic Alliance. “Someday, when your husband or wife runs over the family d
Hope all goes well… “If the main priority is fighting this administration then we need to address the systemic problems that resulted in his rise in the first place — and that is perpetuation of the economic, social and racial injustice in the United States that has led to a rift that has created the room for a rise of a demagogue like Donald Trump,” said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the authentic, charismatic 28y
“Look closely,” whispered Eagle soaring, Gotham far below. So many bridges, tunnels, ships, connecting the narrow rock to a vast world, stretching out forever. From such heights, the city appeared inanimate, cars motionless, ferries frozen, white brushstrokes in their wake. “Humans struggle to see things that move slowly,” said Eagle. Each day, 2.4mm people arrive, depart, Gotham’s population flowing to 4mm, ebbing t
Hope all goes well… The principal is a germophobe and instructed her 400 8th graders to “clean their sweaty, filthy hands” with disinfectant wipes before shaking hers on stage. The graduation ceremony’s low point was the 14yr old male soloist, hitting peak puberty, voice cracking, uncontrollable. Poor fella. Olivia teetered across the stage in her newly purchased platforms, narrowly avoiding a face plant — that
He would have me throw the bones, seated on skins in a quiet yurt. The cup’s contents tumbled across the floor. Tiny bones, hyena, lion, leopard, vulture, a small gold Krugerrand, colorful beads, ivory, crystal, ironwood. The South African had dedicated his journey to studying western medicine and Namibian shamanism; the former a miracle, the latter magical. He combined the two, shared the gift. Shamanism connects us
Hope all goes well… “How many do you think will hatch Daddy?” asked Charlie, buckled in the back seat. He’d discovered a prehistoric snapping turtle laying eggs in our yard. We collected all 27, placed them in an incubator. “Not sure little man, depends on how many were fertilized.” He nodded, processed. “So how exactly do turtles fertilize eggs?” he asked. And seeing an early opportunity to put one of life’s most aw
“I very strongly disagree with you,” he said. I smiled, happy to have smart friends eager to argue. Because being wrong sucks. I’d rather hear it than endure it. But it’s rarely so simple as being right or wrong, because assets are priced based on a consensus view of the future. So you can be right and make no money. Anyhow, since tomorrow often looks like today, which usually resembles yesterday, most people look be
Hope all goes well… Every so often I depart from the usual weekend notes format to share a particularly thought-provoking piece of our internal research. Today’s is titled, “Considerations on Rising Inflation” [click here to view the thought piece]. Lindsay Politi authored it. She spent the first 15yrs of her career building a $10bln TIPS business for Wellington where she was a consistent top quintile performer and w
Hope all goes well… “Dad, you won’t believe what just happened!” cried Charlie, running into the house, finding me writing, in need of an opening paragraph. “Two hawks were fighting in the sky and one dropped a huge frog that landed right at our feet!” Mara and I had kicked them all out of the house. “It had a dislocated shoulder, so we put him in the pond, but then his heart stopped. He was probably scared to death.
Change is magnificent, he thought, along the stream. Walking. Spring had become summer, lush, in what seemed an instant, little by little, then all at once. The barren banks were now covered in green, dense bramble, concealing. Across the world change is taking hold. For the entirety of his career, with few exceptions, the study of markets had been an examination of central bank policy. On the Chicago floor in 1989,