“They made the bet,” said the Valley Boy. “We all saw the opportunity,” he said, pointing to the sky. “Pretty hard to miss.” Mankind’s energy usage from all combined sources is equivalent to 0.0125% of the 120,000 terawatts of solar energy hitting earth daily. Since Lucy roamed Africa 3.2mm years ago, we’ve consumed the equivalent of just 2.6 days of sunshine. “When people started talking peak oil, solar soared.” Chi
Overall: “Comey better hope there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press,” tweeted Trump. Media went mental. Breitbart bananas. Sycophants sucked up. Impeachment odds leapt to 3-1. And the Nasdaq 100 closed Friday +0.3%, at a record high. That’s despite this week’s 20% plunge in SNAP. But that’s nothing new. Back when we faced France’s Far-Right first-round, North Korea’s nuclear wa
“No one has a model for this,” said the CIO. “Everyone buying assets today is building somewhat plausible arguments, but they’re really all just geared to decisions made in Beijing.” The most crowded trade in the world is cognitive dissonance on China. “We need persistent increases in debt relative to GDP for the world economy to function. And since 2011, 100% of global non-financial private-sector net credit creatio
Hope all goes well… “We were Dr. McDowell’s chosen five,” said the professor of medicine, proud, struggling to maintain his composure. And Fetcher McDowell’s four other protégés raised their hands, standing amongst us, paying respects to a man who had touched us all in different ways. As one person spoke after another, the tapestry of a life well-lived took shape, its many threads connected in ways that richened the
Overall: “Macron appeals to people’s hopes and not their fears,” said Obama, hoping for another $400,000 speaking engagement from some insolvent French bank. Obviously, Obama endorsed the articulate young man, long on idealism, short on experience. The two are sides of a coin. And just as Obama would have trounced both Hillary and Trump if he’d been granted a 3rd crack, so too would Macron have beaten Hillary and Tru
“We’re early in the new President’s direction with North Korea,” said the senior military officer, reflecting on his decades of war games and exercises in the Pacific theatre. “We’re changing tactics and it’s pressurizing the situation,” he explained. “The added pressure is causing new reactions.” Kim Jong-Un claimed he was the target of a CIA assassination attempt. That’s an example of the “dear leader” reacting to
Hope all goes well… “When the bogeyman goes to sleep he checks the closet for Chuck Norris,” said Teddy. “Chuck Norris doesn’t dial the wrong number, you answered the wrong phone,” continued my 11yr old, laughing, crying. And diving deep through so many layers of senseless market memories, petty Fed dot-plot archives, and useless Phillips curve arguments, I accessed my dusty college cache. “When Chuck Norris was born
Overall: “This is more work than in my previous life,” admitted President Trump to Reuters, “I thought it would be easier.” And cleansed by confession, the Donald drifted off. “What a 100-days,” he thought. So many, many thoughts. Big ones, huge. “And I’ve accomplished the impossible,” mused our mogul. You see, never had a candidate lost the popular vote by 2.9mm and won. Never had a candidate carried a lower favorab
Hope all goes well… “Some bad guy robbed our gas station today, he had a mask and gun,” said Charlie on Monday. “The same guy robbed Chase bank today,” said Olivia on Tuesday. Pressure on hedge fund fees has thrown Greenwich into a state of anarchy. “The guy robbed the same bank today – the exact same bank, two days in a row! Can you believe it?” screeched Teddy on Wednesday. And of course I can, volatility is
“For all of history – prior to 1955 – there was roughly equal probability of inflation or deflation in any given year,” said the economic historian. “But since 1955 we’ve experienced uninterrupted annual inflation. It’s a stunning fact, unprecedented. To an economist in 1955, the coming 60yr inflation would have appeared less probable than a catastrophic meteor impact.” After enduring a series of world wa