“Ground Control to Major Tom, Ground Control to Major Tom, take your protein pills and put your helmet on.” David Bowie, Space Oddity, creative genius, R.I.P. “10-9-8-7-6 commencing countdown, engines on, 5-4-3-2, check ignition, 1. Blastoff. And may God’s love be with you.” Inspired by raw ambition, our Apollo mission. “This is Ground Control to Major Tom, you’ve really made the grade, and the papers want to know wh
Hope all goes well… “Was work ok today?” asked Olivia, my 12yr old. “Good day, why do you ask?” I replied. “Well, for one, Chinese stocks went nuts,” she said. “How’d you know that?” I laughed, stunned, Greenwich. “Homeroom. We listen to news.” So I asked what else? “Brazil has a new disease carried by mosquitos that causes birth defects.” When it rains it pours. “The fight between Iran and Saudi Arabia got worse. Th
“I don’t speak Japanese, I barely speak English,” said the shark, circling Japan. “It’s anti-cultural to ask the things I ask, and be in your face, so it’s helpful I’m full gaijin.” Abe announced a policy to shake up corporate governance a couple years ago. My buddy smelled blood. And redirected his investment activities to shareholder activism. “Corporations went from being overleveraged in 1990 to over-capitalized
“Quit sneaking cigarettes, improve my Elvis impersonation, build more islands, suppress volatility,” said Xi Jinping to himself, completing his New Year’s resolutions. Hapless Beijing bureaucrats executed a flawless Chinese fire drill; introducing market controls, abolishing them, circling the car, ending where they started, driving stocks down 9.9%. “Learn to Twitter-tweet on the World Wide Web, remember my children
Week-in-Review: Mon: China industrial profits -1.4% (prev -4.6%), Japan retail sales -1.0% (IP +1.6%), Japan/Korea reach wartime “comfort women” accord, Iraqi forces recapture Ramadi, Saudi’s announce record deficit (unveil austerity program), S&P -0.2%; Tue: US warns EU over granting China market status, Erdogan accuses pro-Kurdish opposition leader of treason, Iran ships 11-tons of Uranium to Russia (fulfilling
Hope all goes well… Wishing you and your crew a fantastic 2016. Health, adventure, discovery, prosperity. Dusted off the only anecdote I never submitted to my Editor (see below). Back next Sunday with full wknd notes. Week-in-Review: Mon: China industrial profits -1.4% (prev -4.6%), Japan retail sales -1.0% (IP +1.6%), Japan/Korea reach wartime “comfort women” accord, Iraqi forces recapture Ramadi, Saudi’s announce r
Hope all goes well… Dug up an old anecdote about magic (see below). Back Jan 10th with full weekend notes. Week-in-Review: Mon: Spain’s ruling conservatives lose parliamentary majority, German PPI -2.5%, Swiss M3 +2.7% (10mth high), EU consumer confidence weakens (Swedish jumps), Barbosa replaces Levy as Brazil Fin Min, Mexico retail sales +4.8%, Brent hits 11yr low ($36.05), SpaceX successfully lands 1st reusable ro
Hope all goes well… “Check the closets, under the beds, check every single hiding place,” ordered Teddy, tip toeing upstairs. “Here’s the thing Charlie, if we find presents, then there’s no Santa. And if we don’t, then we’ll know for sure he’s real,” continued my 10yr old, shaken by playground rumors, but still desperate to believe. Jackson overheard it all, and sprang to action, distracting Dumb and Dumber just long
Week-in-Review: Mon: China’s leader of the anti-gov’t “Rights Protection” movement goes on trial (gov’t intimidation), China retail sales +11.2% (IP +6.2%), Climate deal concluded (hold temperatures 2 degrees or lower below pre-industrial levels), 19 women win Saudi regional elections (but couldn’t drive themselves to polling stations), India wholesale prices -2.0% (CPI +5.41%), South Africa appoints 3rd Finance Mini