Hope all goes well… “You want to know the most interesting thing about next year?” asked Biggie Too, chief global strategist for one of Wall Street’s too big to fail affairs. I shook my head no. “They sent Biggie on a one-month global tour, put him on stage a hundred times; pensions, insurers, sovereigns, hedge funds, all the hustlers,” he boasted in baritone, flipping to third person. “And the most interesting thing
“To consider 2016, first review 2015,” said one of the industry’s top performing CIOs, years running. “Seven opportunities mattered; dollar vs low-yielding currencies, dollar vs high-yielding currencies, Greece this summer, German bunds in May/June, selling volatility in late-September, the run-up to the December ECB meeting, and Japan.” Of those seven, four required you to develop a macro view and three required you
“I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out,” threatened Ted Cruz, Harvard Law grad, Texas Senator, and aspirant to commander and chief of earth’s mightiest military. The thing about power is that those well-suited to wield it are least drawn to it. But thankfully, power is sobering. So even the unworthy are tempered when handed it. Which is why Cruz won’t nuke the middle-east if he wins.
Overall: “Mamma Mia!” he said to the mirror, tightening his tie. Preparing for the podium. He’d just dismissed his crisis management team, in full Italian rage. They’d explained a good one-liner is the difference between jail-for-life and celebrity super-stardom in America. “If the glove don’t fit acquit!” exclaimed the team lead, as if it held the key to Draghi’s escape. “What is the definition of is?” asked another
Hope all goes well… “Tough to get a good feel for where to next,” said Road Runner, wrapping up a record year. “But not many bulls up here, the recent sell-off wasn’t too uncomfortable, it’s still easier to be long stock,” continued the market’s top volatility trader. “I see a trap setting up for the market to sell off in Feb or March, but you can’t be too early for these things,” said the elusive bird, looking left,
“Cliff jumping,” answered Jackson, without hesitation, taking charge. Olivia, Teddy and Charlie cheered. Filling the air with the magic of mischief. I’d asked for ideas. We needed out. Thanksgiving had overwhelmed us. So we piled into the Suburban, in search of sanctuary, solitude. The Greenwich cliffs are hidden deep in back-country. And like so much in today’s wild, they’re forbidden. So we whispered our way throug
Hope all goes well… Family formed a semi-circle, to witness the spectacle. I squatted behind the laundry machine, wrench in hand, more focused on the gushing leak than my plumbers crack. It all started back in August, when I was too focused on Xi Jinping to consider Thanksgiving. Mara invited 40 family members to stay for three days, and claims I agreed it was a good idea. Which best I can tell is how I ended up with
Week-in-Review: Mon: NZ migration soars to new highs, Singapore CPI -0.8%, Taiwan IP -6.15%, Saudis reportedly ready to cooperate with OPEC to stabilize prices, Belgium remains in lock down over terror concerns, EU comp PMI flash 54.4 (led by strong German numbers), Israel unemp +0.2 to 5.3%, Macri wins Argentina presidential election, Mexico ret sales +4.9%, US mfg PMI flash 52.6 (exp 54.0), existing home sales +3.9
Hope all goes well… “You know me,” said Simplicity, considering Occam’s razor. “This game is not about completing puzzles, it’s about finding pieces,” continued the CIO, leaning over to pick up this year’s last. “I know so little about so much,” he said, and paused for a moment, examining the contours of what he held. “But the Fed will hike while the ECB cuts rates in December, so the Euro will fall until then.” And
“Allah Akbar!” cried the bearded children, storming Mali’s hotel, Kalashnikovs ablaze, ignorant of the shameful irony. The third attack in as many weeks forced us to confront ourselves. Out came the worst, the best, everything in between. America’s xenophobes stoked the fires of fear. Painting a future of walled borders, religious IDs, ankle bracelets; things that allowed America to become what it has. Because withou