“When I gained citizenship in the early eighties, I made an oath to do my army, pay my taxes, be a good citizen…that was the rule,” stated one of Switzerland’s top institutional investors. “Today, people want their rights, without bearing the obligation, it is a huge hypocrisy,” he continued. “Switzerland was always a land of opportunity, like America, everything was possible, people came with money, brought value, b
“I’m keeping it simple these days,” he said, “cause I’m not that smart.” Now, false modesty should be annoying coming from a trader who’s profited so consistently, over so many years – but I cut this guy infinite slack. Not just because he’s been a great trading mentor. But ’cause he believes it. And fears the day he stops humbling himself, he’ll get steamrolled. “So many smart guys explain why stocks will go d
Olivia and Teddy squeezed into the 3rd row, double-buckled, sandwiched between luggage, laptops, lacrosse gear. Osama bin Charlie, strapped to his water-board, shared the 2nd row with Jackson and Grandma. DJ Mara rode shotgun, spinning Harry Potter books-on-tape. While Grandpa Pierre sat between us, reduced to ashes, in a 6-inch wooden box, in the center console, amidst our CD collection. Yeah, it was our Little Miss
“No,” she answered. Which surprised me. You see, I’d asked if she’s having fun. It’s a question I ask people when they’re killing it. And she is. Sara’s billed 6th on a summer blockbuster. New roles are rolling in – yeah, performance-chasing premiered in Hollywood. She’s writing a book, coaching rising stars too. Who worship her like a Scientology high priest. Of
“I emptied my mind,” she explained, looking through me, returning to that mental place, in the moment before her race began. I bit my lip, to keep from smiling, even laughing. You see, she’s just 8yrs old, and tiny for her age, seriously, like the 1th percentile. Yet Olivia’s coach has her swim against 11yr olds. I don’t protest. Not my style. Plus, I’m pretty certain her coach qui
“120,000 terawatts,” he answered, definitively, without hesitation. Yeah, I love dude’s like that. Scientists. Mathematicians. And this one was my brother Craig. Silicon Valley entrepreneur, inventing revolutionary materials, transforming sunlight into electricity, grey matter into green matter. I’d called with the kind of odd question I consider when seeking distraction, inspiration, a break
“I’ve been up large, twice this year,” admitted one of Europe’s biggest portfolio managers. “But I’m back to flat now, cut my risk to nearly nothing, probably done for Summer.” Which didn’t surprise me. In our two decades of obsessing together, we’ve shared a similar education, evolution. Learning that with few exceptions, the fittest survive by trading with trend
Took a long walk, to shake a long flight, Seoul to NY is a bitch. Strolled through the World Financial Center, where a crazy mensch, gave me a shot, back in 1991. High above, floated two ghosts – Twin Towers. On which, I held my little brother, upon my shoulders, whispering the truth, “Pete, you’re on top of the world.” That was 1993. In the distance, stood our Lady. Liberty. I spun, headed uptown. Meat Packing
The soldier stood firm, insisting I wear a hard-hat. For our descent. Of course, I hate being ordered around, most Americans do. It’s a blessing and a curse, our revolutionary legacy. So I descended, deep, to explore The 3rd Tunnel. North Korean’s spent 10yrs blasting though a mile of granite, to enable 30k troops/hour to cross beneath the DMZ. And launch a surprise attack on Seoul. The tunnel is narrow, cold, wet. H
When I grow up, I want to be like this cat. Not because he’s authored countless tomes. Nope. Because he insisted we do our call at midnight. After his dinner party. He’s 78. F’in love that. The West’s preeminent China expert. For decades, Middle Kingdom leaders have dispatched princelings, from Beijing, westward, to study under him. Anyhow, I asked five questions, then listened. “Eric, no one knows, we can only appro