“What is my purpose on this earth?” the Nobel Peace Laureate asked himself, imploring us to ask ourselves too. (Things went real quiet) “Money’s become habit, an obsession, addiction, both means and end,” continued Professor Yunus, Bangladeshi pioneer of micro-finance lending to the poor. (Heard a pin drop) Decades ago Yunus lent $27 to 42 people. Changed their lives. His too. “I spoke with banks, learned what they d
The little creature emerged. A miracle. Adorable. And as the bitch’s motherly instincts kicked in, so did Mara’s. Yeah, without knowing why, Missy nudged her newborn pup. Licked it clean. Sparking a breath. For Mara it was love at first sight. Primal. And me? Well, I froze. Stuck in a Mars/Venus moment. You see, there was no point in putting up a fight. And it’s a little late to take flight. So here I sit, with 1 wif
The clank of ice axes shattered our silence. I spun, to see my pack tumble. Twirl. And come to rest, far below. A blue dot, amongst granite boulders. Vincent stood motionless, looking out across the vast glacier, to distant peaks, and said, “You never let go your pack on a ledge, you know this.” And I got hot, knowing then, he’d kicked it. “You’re very tired, me too, which is why you will go get it alone, but you’re
“If you’re going to panic, make sure you panic first,” he said, approving of the way Bernanke handled monetary policy. Raised an only child to a single mother of modest means, he’d finished first, earned a place at the world’s greatest engineering university, then rushed to NY. Where he built a small fortune. As one of Wall Street’s most profitable prop traders. American dream. “Bernanke needed to act very aggressive
Forgive me father, for I have sinned. Well, actually, my children have. And on Easter no less. Now, this may sound hypocritical, and yeah, you hate that, but I want to enter the kingdom as a wealthy man. For the life of me though, can’t figure out how to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle. So I pray if I raise fine kids, you sneak me through the back door. Which brings me to last Sunday. My four angels fough
Life. Business. An uncertain future. Man’s potential. Maximizing it. From the day we’re born, till expiration. Yeah, that pretty much covers our conversations. Years ago I explained to my Dad what I do – he’s a rocket scientist, so you see, I’m kind of a disappointment. I tried to make my work sound real complicated, fancy. But he kept asking questions. And arrived at this conclusion, “So you essentially guess betwee
“Their option expires after April’s new Moon,” announced one of America’s top middle-eastern military advisors. You see, without a lunar lamp, Israeli F-18’s, are harder to down. “US and Israel have different Red Lines,” he said. America’s committed to preventing Iran from acquiring a nuke. Israel’s committed to preventing Mullah’s from acquiring the capacity to build one. “It’ll take 5-6mths to make 1 bomb, but they
I take smarter risks now. Relative to my early twenties. You see, back then I did crazy stuff. Like free climbing the Whitestone Bridge. Yeah, watched the sunrise light up NYC. Dangling my feet off the tower. Or racing superbikes, through Chicago, on hot summer nights. And once you rip it up on a rice rocket, well, sports cars are, quite frankly, pretty boring. Relatively speaking. Now I drive Jeeps. They’re kind of
“Shale gas will revolutionize North American manufacturing, we’re seeing the start of a big wave, a trend,” he told me. And he knows. He’s leading it. Yes, Bruce Aitken, CEO of Methanex, is Earth’s biggest Methanol producer. Which you make from Natural Gas, then use for all kinds of things. He’s got plants around the globe, but not in America. “Twenty years ago, the US Gulf produced 8mm tons/year, which collapsed to
Never thought I’d see one. Mankind’s rarest creature. Humanity’s unicorn. He won independence, from Britain, in 1965. Ruled till 1990. Remained in Gov’t thru 2011. The world’s longest serving Minister. As a young leader, Lee Kuan Yew engineered a plan. To transform his small, crowded, impoverished, resource-poor peninsula into a roaring Tiger. A sparkling Asian jewel. He inherited Britain’s blessed Rule of Law, but f