Hope all goes well. You hear the rumor? Yeah, me too. Which makes sense. After all, I started it. So yes, we’re closing Grant Capital Partners. It was ultimately Geoff’s call. Wasn’t an easy one. But we discussed it. He made it. And I support it. Fully. He’s been a terrific partner, a great friend. That’s true for all my partners. Anyhow, we’ve prided ourselves on transparency. So
Hope all goes well. Turned 46 Thurs. No worries, that’s cool, you’ll get me next yr. Mara baked a cake, decorated like a big bulls-eye. With a single candle. Served it up, sporting her most mischievous smile. You see I haven’t exactly been hitting my targets this year. And ever since I returned from stalking deer in the Scottish Highlands, she’s taken every opportunity to remind me that the only track that matters is
Hope all goes well. Spent the week walking. Stalking. First in London. Then Scotland. The City’s overrun by bears. Clever ones. Scary ones. Angry ones. They growl the same story; policy response to the global crisis is fundamentally flawed, it can’t work, so it won’t. These beasts are in restless hibernation, conserving energy, biding time. Reluctant to fight the Fed in the open. Till the seasons change, the winds sh
Hope all goes well. Poor Mitt got it right, 47% are gonna vote for O no matter what. Of course, 47% vote Republican come hell or high water. And the rest of us vote for the cat we’d rather down tequila-slammers with. Which ain’t a bad reason. ’Cause face it, there’s no difference. They take equal turns at the trough. Democrats been President for 88 of the past 176yrs. After this wk, they’ll get another 4yrs. Then los
Hope all goes well. Strolled through the Four Seasons. To their four-sided bar. Expecting a riotous frat party. You see, Bernanke had just announced open-ended QE. Stocks surged to new highs. CNBC was going wild. And no place loves a bull market like NY. I ordered a VT. The joint was empty. Yeah, it’s been that kind of rally. No one’s celebrating. Most everyone’s been short. Covering into the Fed meeting. Cutting and
Hope all goes well. Summer’s over. Back to school. What a busy term this oughta be. I’m kicking it off tomorrow with a trip to NY. Yeah, the Big Apple is as good a teacher as you’ll ever hope to find. Then London. Scotland. Switzerland. Canada. Chicago. No recess. Theme: Shhh… Quiet… Listen… “Bleep…Bleep…Bleep.” Oh, that’s it: Voyager 1 — miracle of Mankind’s imagination, launched Sept 5, 1977. It’s final
Hope all goes well. Screw him. Seriously. I was feeling quite pleased with myself, until Harry went wild on the strip, making my vacation seem, well, rather boring, common. Of course, it’s not his fault. Really. That’s what Princes do. Have always done. Will always do. Oh, just imagine Henry VIII in Vegas… Anyhow, I’m back in my seat. At the tables. Doing what I do. And truth be told, I got a great f’in life. Wild in
See you Sept 2nd with full wknd notes. Week-in-Review: Mon: Russia ret sales 18m low, German fin min denies rumors ECB to cap peripheral yields, S&P flat; Tue: China injects 220B CNY to easy money mkts, HK CPI 24m low, smooth Spanish bill auction, S&P -0.3%; Wed: Dovish FOMC mins foreshadow QE3 (USD drops), Norway unemp 3%, Brazil infl as exp, Canada ret sales soft, S&P flat; Thur: China HSBC flash PMI so
See you Sept 2nd with full wknd notes. Week-in-Review: Mon: Japan GDP slips, Mex IP stable, VIX 5yr low, new lawsuit filed against ESM in German court, S&P -0.1%; Tue: Sweden IP 5m high, Germ ZEW 8m low, EU GDP continues drift lower, EU IP stable, UK CPI 2.6%, US NFIB 9m low, retail sales solid, S&P unch; Wed: Turkey unemp new lows – 8.2%, Greece seeks 2yr austerity extension, BoE mins tad hawkish, UK emp sol
See you again with full wknd notes on Sept 2nd. Week-in-Review: Mon: Curiosity on Mars, S&P + 0.3%; Tue: RBA unch’d (exp), Hungary IP, Italy IP and German Factory orders (-) surprise, Canada PMI and UK IP (+) surprise, S&P 0.5%; Wed: German IP, India IP, China IP and Japan machine orders disappoint, Aussie jobs stronger (14k vs 10k exp), Greece outlook neg (S&P), NZ’s Key says scope to lower