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I got a thing for flags. The more colors the better. Naturally, I love diversity. Stars and stripes. Red, white, blue. I despise solids flags. They’re so definite. Black in particular. Yeah, that’s the color of the tall dude on dialysis. Solid red sucks. It’s bloody soul destroying. Saudi Royalty pumps and prophets, chanting green is great, so naturally, their flag is solid emerald. Anyhow, hundreds of thousands stor
“Wasabi Abe?” asked Ben, answering his bat phone, in a groggy growl, at 2 AM. “I’ll tell you wasabi,” slurred Japan’s Prime Minister from his smoky situation room, hysterical. “Nikkei down 7.3%, that’s wasabi!” screamed Abe into his mobile, waking Mrs Bernanke. “Gimme the phone,” ordered Anna, taking charge. “So wasabi Abe?” she asked, annoyed by the Prime Minister’s incessant late-night booty calls. “Ah, konnichiwa
Holy Smokes! Even Pope Francis is getting in on the action. Which I guess makes sense, after all, he’s Argentinian, schooled in inflation. Plus he’s in Italy, and Romans been shaving coins since Caesar. Of course, Draghi was born in Rome too. And loves a close shave. Anyhow, with a swipe of the pen, Francis consecrated 800 Christian martyrs as Saints. Roughly 10,000 Saints had been recognized since 450AD. Each requir
Back when I was real smart, I was such a moron. Then I discovered my inner moron, and feel much smarter now. You see, in every cycle, there’s a time for white papers, and a time for comic books. The problem is, most fellas read comics when they ought to study white papers. And vice versa. Anyhow, US stocks hit new highs, as PhD’s repeated dire warnings. But the Fed printed another $20bln this wk. In the past, 7yrs in
Look! Up in the sky. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Bertrand Piccard. Superman. He lifted off from Silicon Valley. Circled over San Fran, symbolically bound for DC. Wide-eyed children looked up, inspired, as his magnificent Solar Impulse flew overhead, silently. You see, it’s fueled by Man’s most powerful energy source: Imagination. And runs on Earth’s most abundant fuel: Solar Energy. The delicate plane’s a Swiss c
Wow man, it’s hard to know what to think. Don’t ya think? Syria’s pencil-necked dictator’s blasting women and children with chemicals. So say Israeli’s. Hagel says so too. And Assad sent the NY Times pictures of bearded Al Qaeda rebels, warning American’s to be careful what we wish for. Naturally, I just wish we’d all shave and make up. I also wish we weren’t so easily manipulated. But alas, we’re human. Anyhow, Merk
“Rodrigo Sanchez, Ashley Ramirez, Destiny Suarez…” announced our elementary school Principal. You see 35 Latino students graduated from ESL (English as 2nd language) classes. The proud 8yr olds climbed the stage. Their working-poor parents beamed golden smiles. Another step on their thousand-mile march to the American dream. My son Teddy took the stage too. A mathematics award. But in Boston, an 8yr old child lay sti
“Boiled pumpkin,” hollered the chubby Korean kid. All alone. From a far corner of the sandbox. “My nuclear strikes will annihilate America’s vast territories,” continued the brat, as his doting Chinese parents bowed their heads in shame. “South Korea’s a rat,” he screamed, ignorantly. You see, everyone knows Seoul’s no small rodent. Nope, that Asian Tiger’s become a slow sloth (GDP
“We will do whatever it takes,” announced Bank of Japan’s new governor on Tuesday. Which was a line Draghi first sang last July in English, with a heavy Italian accent and a hint of Weimar German. Naturally, markets didn’t take Kuroda seriously, ’cause everyone knows the Japanese sing some mean karaoke but haven’t a clue what the lyrics mean. So the Nikkei swooned, the Yen soared. And Abe called a secret emergency me