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Week-in-Review: Mon: Japan GDP slips, Mex IP stable, VIX 5yr low, new lawsuit filed against ESM in German court, S&P -0.1%; Tue: Sweden IP 5m high, Germ ZEW 8m low, EU GDP continues drift lower, EU IP stable, UK CPI 2.6%, US NFIB 9m low, retail sales solid, S&P unch; Wed: Turkey unemp new lows – 8.2%, Greece seeks 2yr austerity extension, BoE mins tad hawkish, UK emp solid, US CPI soft, IP strong, S&P +0.
Week-in-Review: Mon: Curiosity on Mars, S&P + 0.3%; Tue: RBA unch’d (exp), Hungary IP, Italy IP and German Factory orders (-) surprise, Canada PMI and UK IP (+) surprise, S&P 0.5%; Wed: German IP, India IP, China IP and Japan machine orders disappoint, Aussie jobs stronger (14k vs 10k exp), Greece outlook neg (S&P), NZ’s Key says scope to lower rates, US Q2 Unit Labor Costs +1.7%, S&P fl
Week-in-Review: Mon: Japan IP 6m low, Sweden GDP solid, Spain CPI 7m high (2Q GDP -0.4%), EU cons conf 35m low, Brazil infl pops, S&P -0.1%; Tue: S.Korea IP soft, Japan PMI 15m low, Taiwan 2Q GDP negative, Italy unemp 10.8%, Germ unemp stable, EU unemp 11.2%, US savings rate bounces, US C/S home-price fall slowing, Chicago PMI 53.7, cons conf solid, S&P -0.4%; Wed: Aussie PMI 37m lows, China HSBC PMI 49.3, S
Syria’s joker is cornered, planning an escape, his thumb pressing a button. Yeah, Assad hid gas canisters all over the joint. If we pop him, well, he releases the button, simultaneously opening countless vaults. Thugs rush in, stealing weaponry, to sell in sandy black markets. Inciting fear, chaos, in distant Gotham. Of course, Assad’s no dummy. That strategy usually works. Just look how far it’s gotten Greece, Spain
Watch those borders boys, here come the refugees. Yeah, Syria’s civilians are on the move. They got no money. Just sorrow. And the odd trunk full of chemical weapons. Of course, they’re not alone. Displaced Palestinians, simmering for decades in refugee camp squalor, joined the rebellion. And if that ain’t chaotic enough, Iran stung 5 Israeli children on a Bulgarian bus. You see, we kicked the Persi
She’d long since tumbled. Down the rabbit hole. Nibbled a mushroom. Indeed, her adventure had just begun. And Alice stared at her reflection. In a mirror. Wondering, “What will happen if I step through?” “Impossible,” you say? Well, everything’s possible today. Anyhow, through the looking-glass, she discovered Jabberwocky, a masterpiece of nonsensical poetry, that when read backwar
They’d had it. The corruption, hypocrisy, intimidation, oppression. So 56 prominent, brave men, with everything to lose, signed our Declaration. Naturally, ever since, Americans have had a soft spot for revolutions. Started quite a few. We know civil war too. Ain’t afraid to pick sides. Of course both are ugly, tragic. But inevitable, natural. Man’s nature. And they’re bubbling up everywhere.
Barry bit his nails, dying for a smoke. And paced. Waiting for the verdict on his legacy; Obamacare. You see, folks remember just one thing about their leaders; Jimmy wore a sweater, Ronny ruined the Russians, Daddy accomplished a mission, Slick Willy stained a blue dress, and Baby declared mission accomplished. But of course, Barry wasn’t the only leader pacing. Assad, fearing for his unusually long neck, decl
Gonna keep things short. Why? Well, nothing’s really changed. Yeah, stocks initially squeezed higher in the hope Benjamin would print more Benjamin’s. But Bernanke conserved his few remaining bullets, twisted $267bln, then rashly repeated Baby Bush’s infamous one-liner – Bring ’em on! You see, Ben taunted the gods, said he needs to see things get worse before he clear-cuts the Pacific Northwest. So naturally, t