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Duck dude. The sky’s falling. Seriously. Today or tomorrow. And of course, it’s all our fault. Remember the 6 ton satellite we launched in ’91 during that nasty recession? Yeah, me neither. But time and gravity conquer all of Man’s creations – and it’s time. NASA always knew it’d end this way: a 500 mile long string of molten shrapnel sweeping Earth’s surface. With any luck, it’ll hit some Pakistani tribal area. Thou
It was one of those wks. Raining. Pooring. At home. At work. Yeah, that’s Life. What happened? Well, for many mths the 2/20 crowd’s been streaming through theatre turnstiles in Rio, Tijuana, Jakarta, Moscow, Mumbai, you name it – they just love foreign action films (we do too). Anyhow, some prankster musta yelled, “Fire!” Or even worse, “Grease Fire!” And all hell broke loose. The Mayfair/Mid-Town crowd rushed
Stormed through NY. The headwind we once faced has shifted; felt a breeze at my back. I’m real grateful. Met many old friends, new ones too. Consensus across my 20 meetings? Mkts are pricing bad economic/political news and they’re gonna get it (for a long time), but banking systems ain’t gonna freeze-up like’08-’09, ’cause central banks got good playbooks, but Obanke is running outta ammo, oh yeah, Europe’s a t
What an ungodly mess. Yup. Scientists warned we’ve hit the tipping point. 22,000 pieces of man-made junk orbit Earth at 17,500 mph. Colliding, exploding, multiplying. That chain reaction destroys satellites, and so on, and so forth. Gonna take generations to clean it up. We’d best get started – heed the quiet warning of Easter Island’s lonely stones. Yeah, we’re such filthy little creatures. The grander our ach
Emcee knocked frantically, “Ben, dammit, Bernanke, open up, you’re on, c’mon.” But there he sat; glued to the Weather Channel. A tear rolled gently down his cheek, you see, his prayer had been answered. Moments later he polished his dome, grabbed the mic, addressed the rudderless Jackson Hole crowd. Kept it brief. Even Princeton Professors know the power of Man’s imagination. And when you’re basically out of ammo, we
Hey bro, keep your head down. Kaboom! Oooh, there goes another one. Kabang! And that’s only the start of things. Just wait for the reprisals. Yup. Bearded Egyptian children snuck into Israel, sprayed some buses. So Israel cleared new parking lots in Gaza. Afghani patriots celebrated a Nat’l holiday (marking liberation from British occupiers in 1919) by igniting themselves at the UK embassy. And unshaven Kurds ambushe
What a freakin’ circus. Spotlights swung wildly. Skinny little Obama, shouldering a $15trln economy, stood frozen high on the wire, looking right, left, but mostly down. Far below, Bernanke frantically inflated his leaky whoopee cushion (not a single trampoline remains). Some Fed clowns threw dung at Ben’s promise of 0% rates though mid-2013 (7-3 vote, most contentious since 1992). A Donkey fled, chased by Michele Ba
We didn’t mean it! Seriously. Lord, when we said we just wanted to get through the debt ceiling, and wouldn’t ask for anything ever again, we were kinda kidding. It was sick mkt humor. We thought you know everything, woulda gotten the joke. Anyhow, if you answer this final prayer, that’ll be it, we’ll never get ourselves into this kinda mess again. We’ll be better people too. We swear. So here goes… Please let the ec
See the news? You musta. Jihadists clashed with centrist Peacekeepers in Somalia. That poor nation simmers, suffering its worst drought in 60yrs, the worst famine in twenty. 2mm souls are starving. Foreigners send billions in food aid. But radical ideology, greed, corruption, posturing – ya know, politics – has gotten in the way. In 3rd world nations, that kinda stuff kills economic growth (children too). Good thing