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Overall: My story-telling couldn’t match The Donald’s this week. So here’s Trump’s unadulterated Mon-Fri twitter narrative: “Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the tears of Senator Schumer. Secretary Kelly said that all is going well with very few problems. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Statement Regarding Rec
Overall: “Complete garbage,” cried the professor from Edinburgh University. “I’m appalled by what’s being published in Science,” he continued. You see, some Ivy League nerd claims to have created a miraculous super-conducting material. “It’s the first time solid metallic hydrogen has existed on Earth,” boasted the pioneering Harvard scientist. He’d inserted hydrogen atoms into a synthetic diamond anvil at a pressure
Overall: “Protests Are Patriotic And Pussies Are Private,” read the placard. “Stop Tweeting Hate,” declared another. And here are a few of the remaining tens of thousands: “Progression Not Regression. You Can’t Take My Rights, I’m Using Them. This Pussy Grabs Back. My Wife is a Muslim, Not a Terrorist, But I’m Scared of Her Anyway. Strong Women: Know Them, Be Them, Raise Them. Silence Equals Violence. We Are The Majo
Overall: “The Central Intelligence Agency will absolutely not resume using banned interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, if ordered to do so by President Trump,” explained Mike Pompeo, The Donald’s already-insubordinate nominee for CIA chief. But it’s only insubordination if our new Commander-in-Chief were to send those bearded-boys to the water-board. To get elected he said “torture works,” America should
Week-in-Review (expressed in YoY terms): Mon: Boxing Day, S&P unch; Tue: Abe meets Obama in Pearl Harbor, Japan retail sales +1.7%, Russia calls US decision to arm Syrian rebels a “hostile act,” Pakistan defense minister threatens Israel with nuclear response after reading fake news, S&P +0.2%; Wed: China industrial profits +15%, Terrorist bombing at China communist party offices in Xinjiang, Japan vehicle pr
Week-in-Review (expressed in YoY terms): Mon: China home prices rise in 55 of 72 cities (Beijing prices flat mth/mth for 1st time in 2yrs), Japan raises 2017/18 GDP forecasts 0.3 to +1.5%, Japan Nov trade surplus $4.6bln (imports -8.8%, exports -0.4%), Russia’s ambassador to Turkey assassinated, Polish protests in 3rd day, Berlin terrorist attack kills 12, Moody’s warns of Greek credit risk, S&P +0.2%; Tue: Japan
Overall: “Now we’re feeling what not having hope feels like,” lamented America’s First Lady to Oprah, as another hopeful stock picker paid 22-times trailing earnings for the S&P 500. “America needs a grown-up in the White House who can say to you in times of crisis, ‘Hey it’s going to be ok, let’s look at the future, let’s look at all the things we’re building,” continued Michelle. Infrastructure stocks consolida
Overall: “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,” said Team Trump, discrediting the CIA for reporting that Russia had interfered in our presidential election. Team Trump’s claim is nonsense. They’re not the same people, they’re members of the same institution. And that makes all the difference. Because people come and go rather easily. Institutions do not. Institutions are
Overall: “These visitors to that city on the Potomac do not come as white or black, red or yellow; they are not Jews or Christians; conservatives or liberals; or Democrats or Republicans. They are Americans awed by what has gone before, proud of what for them is still a shining city on a hill,” said Ronald Reagan, eyes sparkling, on the eve of his 1980 election. Back then things were brutal. Reagan’s optimism lifted