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Hope all goes well. Dusted off an Anecdote from my year at altitude, in the Alps. 1998. See below. Be back in Sept with full wknd notes. All the best, Eric Week-in-Review: Mon: China service PMI 54.1 (first acceleration since March), Japan service PMI 50.6 (prev 52.1), Aussie retail sales weak, Iran’s Rohani pledges moderation, EU composite PMI 50.5 (first >50 since Jan 2012), EU retail s
Hope all goes well. Taking August off from writing. But figured, with over 4yrs of archived Anecdotes, it’d be fun to dust off a few favorites. Blasts from the past. You’ll find this week’s flashback down below. Best regards, Eric Week-in-Review: Mon: China to audit gov’t debt levels, China June industrial profits +6.3% yoy (May +15.5%), Japan retail sales -0.2% (+0.8% exp), Der Spiegel says Germa
Hope all goes well. “You Passed,” read the email. No intro, no signature. Just those two beautiful words. My heart skipped a beat. Excited, humbled. You see, 6mths ago our team embarked on a mission. To deliver innovation to our industry. To help our most prestigious institutions solve three simple, interconnected problems: volatility’s too low, fees are too high, returns are too low. So with thos
Hope all goes well. “Got four kids, I’m busy mate,” answered the London cabbie, at sunrise. “Me youngest is a little terror I tell you,” he continued. “Screams somethin’ awful, so I get him ’fore he wakes the others, else I’m in a right mess.” Osama bin… “And me crazy missus keeps chickens, at five this morning one lit up proper, cluckin’ away like she laid a golden f’in egg, wanted the whol
Hope all goes well. Packed our Suburban assault vehicle with the troops. Headed north. For a Lax tournament. That’s how we roll; Team Peters. Turned off all electronics, and surveyed the landscape, for wild animals. We first spotted cows. Then horses. A coyote appeared. Osama bin Charlie caught a giraffe in his sights. But it darted for cover. “Well, they’re real fast guys.” And from there, the ma
Hope all goes well. Cracked cold Buds with Mara’s brother. He built his first big firm, and is onto #2. In Silicon Valley. He’s in good company. Google ($296bln mkt cap vs Egypt GDP $258bln), Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Sidecar, AirBnB, Uber, LinkedIn, Box, SnapChat, DropBox, Pinterest, GetMyBoat, Square, Tumblr, Lyft, SideCar, Evernote. We applauded Commander Thiel’s big-data advance: Palantir. And
Hope all goes well. My brother Craig called, to announce a miracle. You see, he’d waited his whole life. To create another. And marveled at the little boy in his palms. The infinite possibility. Of course, we’re both old enough now to know we can’t predict the future. We just pray that no matter what it holds, our little ones can live their lives to the fullest. With liberty. Dignity. For themselv
Hope all goes well. “If gold was your hedge, well, you just got bent over,” said Yoda, standing upright, high in the Rockies. “There’s usually one time per year when everything goes wrong at once.” The S&P 500 topped at 1669 on May 21, and is now down 4.6%, while gold is -7.1% and 10yr yields are +57bps. “This is what happens after a Fed Chairman signals that you can buy any asset in the world
Hope all goes well. It’s Summertime. Our four little terrorists are home. Subversive. Restless. Commitin’ thought crime. Jack the Ripper, Olivia Hearst, Teddy Kaczynski and of course, Osama bin Charlie. Naturally we love them. Want to create a utopia for ’em. But what’s utopia without a little dystopia? Anyhow, I’d like to say that I read 1984 this wk in response to the PRISM revelations. But trut