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I drank with a buddy, discussed life and death. And evolution. What an ugly business; struggle, pain, defeat, then every so often, blessed triumph. And it never ends, yesterday’s finest creations die, conquered by greater achievements. Darryl’s a tech entrepreneur, gives birth to new life. He’s on biz #5, the first 4 were lesser creatures, either devoured or starved. But this latest is a new species: Magnifico Monstr
Markets hate uncertainty; and that’s the only commodity not in short supply these days. With bulging deficits, oil at 29yr highs, recovering economies, and talk of easy-money exit strategies, investors are edgy. So leaders cut the surplus of uncertainty. Bernanke led a dovish chorus, signaled a continued flow of free paper, hinted at QE3 and stated, “The recovery is not firmly established, monetary policy needs to be
Hope all goes well. Closed a big new investment for April. Booked a solid wk in Switz, fly out tonight, feels like the glaciers are melting and want to drink from that Alpine flow. Overall: Markets hate uncertainty; and that’s the only commodity not in short supply these days. With bulging deficits, oil at 29yr highs, recovering economies, and talk of easy-money exit strategies, investors are edgy. So leaders cut the
On a dark Mar ’09 morning, the world gazed intently into the rear-view mirror. Oh the Horror. But naturally, most missed the view out the windshield. Well, the S&P 500 just completed a 100% rally from that panic low; a feat last achieved in the 2yrs leading to 1937. Hmmm… And now the view in the rear view mirror just gets prettier. S&P 500 Q4 earnings +35% to all-time highs, over 70% beat profit forecasts for
Hope all goes well. I’m off to NY for cold weather & warm friends. Was thinking about heading to the Middle-East but figured I’d wait till the boys change the names on their business cards. Mkts were a bit kinder this wk. China’s Renminbi finally rallied. So did Turkish Lira, Brazil and India. US short-rates softened. Overall: On a dark Mar ’09 morning, the world gazed intently into the rear-view mirror. Oh the H
Mara asked me to give Charlie a bath. He’s our 4th and our last, so naturally I’ve gotten pretty good just in time for my hard won wisdom to go to waste; sadly life’s like that. So I threw lots of things into the tub that Charlie knows he shouldn’t play with; that’s the secret, ’cause he’s human. He zeroed in on a 50-yard roll of dental floss. And with all the talk these days about
Hope all goes well. Left the frozen Canadian tundra, returned to spring in Santa Barbara. Kissed Mara and the kiddies, zipped to the trading floor, hugged the boys. Stepped outside to check our Pension Patch. A Canadian Maple is sprouting, right next to a young English Oak. Somehow, a middle-eastern Royal Palm sprung up too. They each took a long time to germinate, but sink deep roots, grow big & strong. Brought
Men are driven by a primeval fight-or-flight impulse so naturally, when we feel unloved or unwanted, some fight, others take flight. And the world kinda loves Doves these days, so it ain’t easy being a Hawk. But US Fed’s Lacker fought, “The distinct improvement seen in the economic outlook since QE2 was initiated, suggests taking re-evaluation quite seriously.” Fed’s Fisher battled too, “I’ll be at the forefront of t
One of my mentors builds propulsion systems for stealthy Predators. He’s a 75 yr old entrepreneur, leads by example – never stops moving, or loses his intense curiosity. Last weekend he brought me a picture-book. The iconic 1937 Hindenburg photo dominated the cover. Swastika’s adorned the zeppelin’s tail. Took 30mins to read. Hydrogen didn’t destroy it. An intense electrical discharge ignited the silvery skin,