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Spent Thanksgiving with family & friends on a farm, real crowded and real American. My buddy Mike gladly slept on the floor, and it made me love him more cause most guys in his spot take themselves so seriously. You see Mike’s one of Stanford’s youngest tenured professors, the Saudi King gave him a $25mm research grant, VC’s seek his blessing, start-ups want his guidance, and govt’s fly him all over the world to
Hope all goes well. Looks like bears are suddenly nervous about getting coal in their stockings. We got some early gifts, hit $500mm aum this mth. So I’m off to NY, thanking investors and interviewing recruits. Overall: The boys, all dressed up like Ebenezer Scrooge, started Christmas season by cruelly punishing the impoverished Irish and their poor Southern cousins. Oh how they screamed “Bah Humbug!” selling bonds d
Had a couple quiet days up in Northern CA with Mara, the kiddies and some good friends and family. Sadly, the rest of the planet didn’t hit their pause buttons too. Tensions in Korea added to the panic in peripheral Europe and traders continued to liquidate risk assets and flock to the US Dollar. Weekly Close: S&P 500 -.9% and VIX +4.2 to 22.2. Nikkei +.2%, Shanghai -.6%, Euro Stoxx -1.1%, and Bovespa -3.8%. USD
Had a couple quiet days up in Northern CA with Mara, the kiddies and some good friends and family. Sadly, the rest of the planet didn’t hit their pause buttons too. Tensions in Korea added to the panic in peripheral Europe and traders continued to liquidate risk assets and flock to the US Dollar. Weekly Close: S&P 500 -.9% and VIX +4.2 to 22.2. Nikkei +.2%, Shanghai -.6%, Euro Stoxx -1.1%, and Bovespa -3.8%. USD
I read my kids Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales and found myself reading equally frightening stories at work this wk. A few new missives about Chinese rate hikes ending the world made the rounds (of course they’re written by white guys imprisoned in NY/London towers), so I called some folks on the ground in Asia who’ve made their fortunes getting it more right than wrong – they just laughed at how we continually underestim
Hope all goes well. Taking off this weekend and next from w/e notes to spend time with Mara and the kiddies and recharge batteries over Thanksgiving. I read my kids Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales and found myself reading equally frightening stories at work this wk. A few new missives about Chinese rate hikes ending the world made the rounds (of course they’re written by white guys imprisoned in NY/London towers), so I ca
We were seated next to one another with little in common but mutual respect for calculated risk-taking; a big Hollywood director and a token hedge fund manager (every good dinner party needs one). Directors are like dictators – play by their rules or get cut. He loves to shoot in black & white — it’s how lots of folks see the world. Good traders discover how much that medium costs ya, and learn to app
Hope all goes well. Busy wk, lots of visitors and jumpy mkts. Been fortunate to have low risk, gives us ammo to re-load as mkts puke. You never buy the low, or sell the high so getting in tends to hurt a bit. Overall: German Fin Min Schaeuble spoke plainly, “America’s growth model is stuck in a deep crisis, has lived beyond its means for too long, its financial sector is disproportionately inflated and its industrial
German Fin Min Schaeuble spoke plainly, “America’s growth model is stuck in a deep crisis, has lived beyond its means for too long, its financial sector is disproportionately inflated and its industrial core neglected.” Called US monetary policy, “Clueless.” China’s rating agency downgraded US sovereign debt, using similarly blunt language. And humbled Obama scurried across Asia looking for a win and came up mostly e