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Anecdote: “When I’ve studied historical inflations they’re almost always caused by a combination of complacency and a focus on the nominal at the expense of real,” said Lindsay Politi, the two of us on the trading floor, our early morning chat. “After a long period of stability, inflation starts to surprise on the upside.” Initially there’s disbelief. Policy makers assume it’s temporary, wait for more data. But while
Hope all goes well… For those who dodged the news on Friday, Coinbase acquired our digital asset subsidiary, One River Digital Asset Management. It’s an outstanding outcome and an incredible opportunity for us all, following a wild two-year ride on a journey that has only just begun. For my summary of how and why it all happened [click here]. Now back to work… Overall: “That is money that cannot be spent elsewhere,”
Anecdote: “Innovation is a creative solution to a difficult problem,” said Marcel Kasumovich, Deputy CIO of our digital business. “Users decide its use cases, not the architects,” he continued, the two of us talking about the arcs that lead to big longer-term opportunities. “Think of the internet. It was the solution to a defense problem, spurred by a beach-ball sized satellite, Sputnik, circling the earth and sendin
Hope all goes well… “Let’s hope this isn’t the start of Mom’s villain arc,” mumbled Teddy through his neck warmer. I should have known the Tram line was short because of extreme wind at the summit. Poor risk management. “Leave me alone. Go. All of you,” yelled Mara, 30-yards above us, skis and poles scattered, in full Rendezvous Bowl whiteout. Every family ski trip is a game of marital Russian roulette, with great me
Hope all goes well… Zipped out to the Tetons for a little altitude this long weekend. Dusted off an anecdote from 2018 about magic, mysteries, the sublime wonder all around (see below). Wishing you all the very best, E Marcel Kasumovich, Deputy CIO of One River Digital, published a fantastic piece this week on the SEC’s custody proposal which most had expected to be a digital kill switch, but in the end was something
Anecdote: “We spent a decade or more in equilibrium,” said the CIO. “The economy was highly indebted and overleveraged, which allowed the Fed to have a large influence over it with relatively small changes in rates.” Forward guidance and balance sheet adjustments too. “Then we went out and did Covid, handing everyone money,” he said. “To solve the problem Covid created, you needed to measure the depth of the economic
Hope all goes well… “Brutal loss, but they were insane,” texted Liv on our family app. “Their goalie was on the cover of USA Water Polo magazine 10 times.” Liv was in Austin, playing goalie for West Point. It’s a co-ed team, but their opponents are always all-male. Liv told us it was either that or women’s boxing. Truth be told, I’ve tried hard to set my kids up to have better choices in their lives than that. But at
Anecdote: “I attempt to tap into young men’s minds and souls,” said Coach Amplo. “Activate what they care about, have them get in touch with that feeling, and act on it in a meaningful way.” Amplo made his name early, achieving the impossible, building a lacrosse program from scratch into a team that made it to the NCAA Division I tournament in four years. He assembled what most considered unremarkable talent and pro
Hope all goes well… “You take something off the table here,” barked Biggie Too. “Feels like we’re somewhere in peak Goldilocks,” continued the Global Chief Strategist for one of Wall Street’s Too-Big-To-Fail affairs. “At some point you get a challenge to Goldilocks – Biggie sees things and it’s coming,” he bellowed, most comfortable in 3rd person. “Maybe the dollar resumes its rally. Conviction trades roll over ̵